The Warren Street Reader

Talkin' baseball and music and anything-else-on-my-mind blues...

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Interloper to Globe: Jettison the Muckraking Bitch!

It is no secret that I don't like Dan Shaughnessy. The goofy looking Boston Globe columnist to the left, Dan's a schtick now, the kind of writer forever confined by his own pathetic act. Like a sad (and, apparently, angry) Michael Richards bound for eternity as Seinfeld's Kramer, Shaughnessy is forever locked in his role as Red Sox player hater. To this, I say give it up! Nobody cares about your boring, tired, sarcastic "insights" into Sox players as spoiled rotten idols who don't properly respect the game or its traditions. Your writings now all sound the same: find a fault in a player's character and exploit the shit out of it until you have proven your own moral authority. Certainly, we should demand personality from every multimillionaire ballplayer.

Well, all I can say is fuck off, Shaughnessy, you are over. Can't you start writing about film or theatre or something else where your high brow, echoing criticisms are more well received? Get over Pedro acting like a prima donna and not liking you. Get over Manny being an idiot (and also not liking you). Get over Epstein being younger and far more talented at his job than you (and also, not liking you)! Try writing about the game for once. And get over the lame, drawn out Yankees-Red Sox thread while you are at it. If you haven't noticed, there are other, more compelling stories out there in baseball land to follow...


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